Colorado DT-1000

This remote guzzler installation was a joint effort between White River National Forest and Colorado Parks & Wildlife personnel.  The project included the demolition of a non-functional, 20 year old guzzler in Dry Fork Kimball Creek.  To prepare the site, they cut, sprayed, and removed the brush and trees all around the guzzler to improve sight distances for sheep and allow helicopter removal of the old guzzler.   

Huge thank you's go to Kim Potter & Natasha Goedert (WRNF) for the planning, money and chemicals; to Rifle White River fire crew for their incredibly efficient brush and timber removal and willingness to change plans on the fly, and to Ivan, Levi, Layton, and Travis (CPW) for packing all the materials in and helping with demolition and brush removal.  It was a fun, gnat-free day!  

Thank you Stephanie Durno, Wildlife Biologist, Grand Junction CO for the coordination, pictures and commentary!


Lander Wy Drinker-110


Ant Hill Tank - BLM Idaho